Panomtech Group of companies- Panomtech Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Agro Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Media Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Textiles Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Hospital & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Process Systems Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Energy Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Research & Development Pvt. Ltd., Panomtech Foundation.
Panomtech Hotels Pvt. Ltd. To carry on the business of hoteliers and set
up tourist resort and purchase or acquire lands to erect a hotel or hotelsand
any other necessary buildings and works to use, convert, adapt and maintain all
or any of such lands, buildings and premises, to and for the purpose of hotels,
taverns, lodging houses, livery and other stables with any usual or necessary
adjuncts and to fit up and furnish any buildings, bungalows, row houses or any
other premises to establish, conduct, own, manage and carry on the business of
hotels, restaurant, permit room, snack bars, salad and Juice bars, taverns,
banquet hall, recreational facilities, conference room/hall, boating, swimming
pool health club, refreshment, and tea- rooms, cafes milk and snack bars, road
house, auto court, goearting, motel bear-house, holiday camps, lodging house,
holiday resorts
All type of entertainment, recreational activities and other amenities including
racing track, sports car, water sports equipments, laundries, libraries,
swimming pools, night clubs, hair dressing and beauty salons, chemists, cinemas,
theatres, studios, exhibitions, halls, amusement centres, departments, stores,
hospitals, clinics, discotheques, sports clubs, skating halls, boating and
padding pools, radio and television stations, gymnasium, car parks, hangers and
race courses and to provide all type of food, drink, provision, products,
liquors, mild liquors, soft drinks for public amusement generally and for
private or public functions.
To enter into any arrangements with any Government or any other authority,
municipal, local or otherwise or any person or firm or any company that seem
beneficial to the Company’s objects and to apply for, promote and obtain any act
of privilege, concessions, license, or authorization of the Government or any
other authority, local or otherwise, for enabling the company to carry any of
its objects into effect, or for extending any of the powers of the Company,
and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such Act privilege, concessions,
license or authorization.
Sound infrastructure and rich resource capabilities allow us to successfully design
and deliver projects. Our senior leadership team has established and maintains a
strong ethical climate.
Our board is comprised of prominent industry executives who apply their many years
of business success and offer strategic insights that help us continuously strengthen
our business—and that of our clients.
As we have grown, we understand the importance of giving back to society, which
is a core element of our corporate values.
Our customers are the reason for our existence. We anticipate their needs and endeavor
to meet and surpass their expectations. We strive to attain individual and team
excellence through a spirit of continuous learning, new ideals and a commitment
to high levels of achievement.